What should we wear at a family photoshoot?
So, the important question: What should we wear at a family photoshoot?
If you are thinking of booking a family photoshoot, or already have a date booked in, then this blog could be super useful for you! Making sure you are feeling great for your family photos is super important. As a parent, I understand that you can worry lots about your family photoshoot! People often worry about the weather, if the kids will behave, if we will have enough time to get it all done. But the question I get most is What should we wear at a family photoshoot?
It has been said that I have Mary Poppin’s Powers! I am all about making your family shoot a fun experience. I use lots of silly voices to engage them, play games, and get natural giggles rather than any cheesy smiles. No need to worry the kids behaving! Let them have fun & the magic photos will happen! And if the weather is truly awful we can always pick another day. What should we wear at a family photoshoot?

You need to feel good!
First up, I am not going to be totally prescriptive and name an outfit for you! Most important to me, is that you need to feel good. You should feel comfy & be able to move! My shoots are often very relaxed, a walk in the woods, playing at a park or at home. I do not expect you to be in your smart suit or a fancy going ‘out out’ dress. So clothes you know you can be playful with the kids in and sit on the floor will be super.

Have a think about a colour palette!
Something to consider, the colours you choose to wear should all work well together. Working off of a colour palette can be a great starting point. If you type is colour palette to pinterest you will get loads of examples of colours that work well together. Here are some examples:

Sticking to a similar palette is a great way of knowing your choices as a family will not clash. Consider where in your home you may put these pictures up and will the colours you have in the images suit that room. My favourite tones are earthy tones & light blues, they work well in both the natural environment of outdoors, as well as, in your home for a more neutral image. You do not need to be super matching – but keep in mind what everyone is wearing so that it works well for every combination.

Top tip – See it all!
When you have all your outfits decided pop them all on the bed/floor and see what they all look like together – Including socks & shoes! A bright pair of pink wellies could massively clash or be perfect if they fit with all colours that you are wearing.
Consider the time of year & location of your shoot.
You need to make sure you are dressed for the season! When kids get cold they often don’t want to play anymore! So, if your shoot is an Autumnal one then feel free to bring along wooly hats & scarfs too. We can always take off a big bulky coat for a few photos and then pop it back on when we walk to the next spot. The location of your shoot will have an impact of how the colours you are wearing work with your surroundings. When the leaves are all yellow & reds then pulling those colours into what you wear will work too. Have a look at how well these colours work for this October shoot:

If your shoot is in the Summer months I would suggest little shorts under little one’s dresses. Young children will not notice if their nappy or knickers are on show and we do not want those in your family pics. And making sure shorts are not too short too.

Should I avoid patterns?
I see on lots of ‘what should we wear at a family shoot?’ blogs about avoiding patterns – Sometimes they can work! However, I would avoid everyone wearing a different pattern. The images can end up looking too busy & our eyes dart around the image. Although, if one person wears a pattern, for eg, Dad’s shirt or child’s dress and everyone else wears a colour in that pattern it can all tie together great.

If we are going to do a shoot at home – then keeping what you wear a block colour in a neutral & simple colour palette also means I can use patterns in a different way. I could use bedding, blankets or even play-mats to create interesting shots. Bringing in more colour through the pattern.

You need to look like you!
My shoots are about the madness of family life with photos that feel your heart with joy! You should be able to look back at the pictures knowing you are feeling like you, that you didn’t buy an outfit for your shoot that you will never wear again! These photos are about reflecting your family, the chaos, fun & silliness of life! It is important that you feel great and look like yourselves. I am most comfy in jeans and smart top, as long as the colour & fit works then for it!

What should we wear at a family photoshoot? More tips & things to avoid….
Top tip – The fit!
Often people think that wearing something super baggy will hide all the bits of us we don’t want on show. Just be weary, that sometimes wearing baggy clothes can just make us look bigger than we are. I will totally help how you position yourselves as a family. Advising you on how you sit, stand, cuddle in as a family, to make sure you are looking your best.
Top tip – Details:
A heads up – Your hands may feature in close ups, especially at a newborn shoot. I am not expecting fully manicured nails! But warning, chipped nails will be seen! Also feel free to wear some accessories; earrings, necklace, bracelet.
Anything to avoid?
Personally I would avoid wearing black or white where you can, they can often look very contrasty in a photograph & stand out too much. Instead wear cream/beige or navy/darker greys. Avoid clothing with massive logos on as they can distract & date the images. Dresses or shorts that are too short can lead to being tricky for sitting down shots (for little ones & grownups!). Please do not buy something you think you will never wear again!
Trust me we are going to have so much fun!
I can not wait to get to meet your family and get some cracking shots & make some memories! If you have a date booked in – great I will see you soon! If you would like to confirm you family shoot then do get in touch. Either via email: hello@hannahmacgregor.co.uk or contact me through the site: Contact page.

For more information on prices & packages you can find them here
Take care
Hannah x