Well its true! I co-wrote a book.
Hey! Thought I would tell you about the time I published a photography book, provided almost all of the photographs and even had my Carrie Bradshaw, Sex in the City Style, Book Launch moment (Well there was champagne and me signing books!). Look at me go!
The book is called:
Foundation Course: Portrait Photography
My writing partner in crime was Sarah Plater and it was published back in 2014. She is an amazingly talented Studio Photographer based in Bicester.
Sarah and I met through a Corporate Photography shoot, she had booked me to come and get some marketing shots of where she worked at the time. I ended up photographing for them for a few years in a row and Sarah approached me about co-working on a book idea she had. I was super excited at the idea of having a book and about have a chance to collate images and write content for a beginners guide book. My background before photography was teaching, I taught Drama and Theatre studies at Level & BTEC performing arts. I am super passionate still about teaching and it was this book that led me to start running Beginners Photography workshops (but that is for another blog post)
You can find more about me and my career on my ABOUT ME page!
About the Book – Part One
PART ONE is all about the basics of equipment & basics.
What equipment you may want to invest in to get started, you can spend serious money starting out with photography as a hobby! Then the basics of photography:
- Aperture
- Shutter Speed
- Focusing
- Composition

Part two
PART TWO is all about light & location. Photography is so often about how we use the light and how you can see something magical in a location that looks pretty standard. When you start taking photos it can feel like your camera is not doing what you want it to. Learning about how to use light efficiently and make the best of every location makes the world of difference to your photos getting better.
Part three
PART THREE is all about People, Posing & your camera settings!
The bit I love about my job the most is that I am a people photographer. I get to photograph lots of different ages and it is very different photographing babies, toddlers, to older children & couples. The book takes you through different ways you can work with the ages groups, ways to make kids interact and forget they are having their picture taken. Also at the same time making sure you are getting your camera settings right, so what you think the photo may come out like it what happens!

Having a launch for the book was awesome! I invited people who featured in the book and close friends and family who have always supported my work and recommended me time and time again!
If you would like to know when I am running my next photography for beginners do get in touch! I will be launching dates for 2021 soon!
If you fancy buying a copy you can check out this link.
The Book can be purchased on amazon here: